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Hello everyone!
Currently, about 1.5 billion people speak English - nearly 360 million people speak English as a native language - and many people around the world try to learn English; therefore, we can say that English is the most commonly studied foreign language in the world. For this reason,  there are many ways to learn it, which confuse learners a lot. In my Padlet I try to guide people who are learning English. The link is at the very end.

But, what is Padlet?
It is a platform in which one can easily create and collaborate. Padlet allows everyone to create content as they want, and this content can be about anything. One creates their padlet about something – such as learning English, lesson notes of a final exam, etc. –, and others can edit or add more information. Visuals, videos, audios, and even other padlets can be added on padlets, also, there are some colour options. Padlet can be really useful in language learning if it is used properly.

To get more information about Padlet you can check: and
Especially the "about us" part is amazing!

#efl #english #learning #language #esl #padlet #sla #learningenglish #tipsforlearningenglish
